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  • Total payment
  • 1xFlow into Winter Workshop$57

All prices in USD

Flow into Winter Workshop
Sunday, December 15, 2024
2-6pm Eastern (New York time) - event held on Zoom
What you'll learn:

  • How to embrace the darker, shorter winter days, while avoiding their mental, emotional, and physical toll (basically how to feel happy) 
  • Tips to keep warm and cozy no matter what 
  • How to keep your skin hydrated, and avoid dry flaky, winter skin 
  • Spices and teas to nourish and support warmth and balance all day-long 
  • Specific foods and recipes that provide the body what it needs at this time to feel light and energized
  • A cooking demo of savory n' sweet Turkish Chickpea Stew 

What you'll take away:

Flavorful vegetarian recipes

Worksheets to help you implement

Slide presentation

Your steps to peace and joy this season

A recording of the 4-hour event
